A proposal for the ecology of driving on the left

4 Ottobre 2014

Mangrovia is the place where Roberto Casati and Goffredo Puccetti talk about design. This conversation has started in December 2013. We are interested in the intellectual intricacy of design. We keep our eyes open on good and bad design – equally important for us. Equally important are theory (mostly from cognitive science) and practice (mostly form communication and process design).



Mangrovia è dal dicembre 2013 la bacheca appunti di Roberto Casati e Goffredo Puccetti sul design. Il design ci interessa per la sua complessità intellettuale. Cerchiamo intorno a noi esempi di buono e cattivo design e ne parliamo prendendo spunto dalla teoria (soprattutto dalle scienze cognitive) e dalla pratica (soprattutto dalla comunicazione e dai processi di progettazione).



When traveling to India, Japan or Great Britain (and other countries that you’ll find on this map), the rest of the world must rapidly adjust to a new ecology – the world of driving on the left.


And of course, people from those countries have the symmetric problem of adjusting to the world of driving on the right. In London, UK, pedestrians are made aware of the problem by signs on the pavement that invite one to “look right” or “look left” at crossings.


Of course, almost every child on the planet knows enough English to understand those messages, don’t they. Here is a case in which the absence of a pictogram is really surprising. We invited Claudio Beorchia, an Italian artist and designer, to give his visual thoughts on the matter.


The icons he produced, that are meant to be painted on the asphalt, ought to travel all over the world and reach out to all the pedestrian crossings in major cities.

Se continuiamo a tenere vivo questo spazio è grazie a te. Anche un solo euro per noi significa molto. Torna presto a leggerci e SOSTIENI DOPPIOZERO
TAGGED: Società , Arti , Abitare